Education for Hair Stylists, Nail Technicians and Estheticians

Benefits of Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning has become one of the most popular skincare treatments in recent years. While you may have heard of dermaplaning before, there are some out there who still do not know what it is. Dermaplaning is an exfoliating treatment that removes dead skin and peach fuzz from the top layer of your skin. A doctor or medical aesthetician will use a surgical scalpel to gently scrape the surface of your skin and remove the dead skin cells.

At Designing Beauty Academy in Windsor, we are a beauty school that offers a variety of high-quality hair, nail, and skincare treatments. When you choose to get your beauty treatments done at our beauty school, you can expect high-quality services at an affordable price. One of the skin care services we offer includes dermaplaning.

Become Part Of The Growing Beauty Industry

If you are curious about a dermaplaning treatment and want to try it or simply learn more about it, read on! In this blog, we are going to talk about all of the benefits of dermaplaning.

Removes Dead Skin and Peach Fuzz

One of the main benefits of dermaplaning is the fact that this treatment scrapes away dead skin cells and peach fuzz on the face. This means that your healthier, younger layer of skin is exposed, giving you a fresh new look. When your peach fuzz is removed, your face will look and feel smoother.


Minimizes Imperfections

When your layer of dead skin and peach fuzz is removed from your face, your skin will look refreshed and younger. This treatment aims to minimize the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, and dull skin. Removing the dead layer of skin will help minimize all of these skin imperfections.

Improves Skin Appearance

While dermaplaning will minimize the appearance of some skin imperfections, this treatment can also help improve the appearance of your skin. It can help make your skin look and feel more hydrated, add a bright and glowing appearance, and allow your skin to look younger and smoother.

Improves Product Absorption

Since the top layer of dead skin is removed from your face during this treatment, your face will also be able to absorb any skincare products you use more effectively. When these products are able to penetrate the layers of the skin better, they will be more effective, which will improve the overall health of your skin. Even your makeup will go on smoother, allowing you to create the best look.

It’s Easy

This is a quick and simple treatment that requires no downtime. You will notice an immediate improvement in the appearance of your skin, and be able to continue with your regular daily activities right after the treatment. The results will generally last three weeks.

Dermaplaning is becoming a popular skincare treatment because of its simple procedure and great results. You can enjoy smoother, younger, and brighter looking skin in no time at all! If you want to try dermaplaning, be sure to contact Designing Beauty Academy in Windsor. Our skilled and knowledgeable students will be able to perform this treatment at an affordable price.